10 Most Radical WWE Character Transformations Of The Past 10 Years

2. Bayley

Bayley comparison

Bayley, by all rights, ruled the NXT roost and, along with a group of other amazing female pioneers, was at the forefront of the division and the long-overdue evolution of women's wrestling in WWE.

Besides being an incredible wrestler, she was one of the purest babyfaces in the business. The hugs, the inflatable buddies, the colourful outfits: it was all fully heel-proof, as one may have surely thought.

Cut to 2020, (and perhaps a more adequate gimmick for the year) and the self-important bully that is Bayley reveals that she was using her best friend Sasha for title glory all along. This was, by the way, a week after she damn-near broke Banks' neck with a chair.

It's true that the now-iconic destruction of her blow-up buddies marked a very risky swerve in creative direction, but the saving grace was that Bayley is without a doubt one of the best character actors in the business. She's carried her villainy with such credibility that the once hard to refute lovable character of her past is now equally hard to imagine.

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Writer, proud father and also chimp. Plus I talk music at Everythingisnoise.net