10 Most Random Wrestling Factions Ever

6. World Elite

Throughout the history of the promotion, TNA has tried to create new stars, that much must be said. It's often confusing however, the company can't really make their mind up who to push - do they go the easy route of booking incoming ex-WWE stars strongly, or so they attempt to shunt home grown stars into the spotlight? 'World Elite' was supposed to be a faction that represented how TNA was growing as a company. The idea was simple, the group could attract talent from around the world, thus being identified by fans as a place where they were likely to see a lot of variety in styles and cultures. Unfortunately, the 'Anti-American' sentiments of the stable were tired, and Canadian Eric Young was perhaps not the best candidate to lead the group. Amongst the ranks of the World Elite were the likes of Rob Terry, Sheik Abdul Bashir, The British Invasion, Kiyoshi and Homicide. Even Kevin Nash had a short association with the guys, but it was hard for fans to take them seriously, especially considering the fact they appeared little more than sub-ordinates to the Main Event Mafia.

Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.