10 Most Random Wrestling Factions Ever

5. The Corre

Formed out of the ashes of the original Nexus concept, The Corre was an aberration from the get-go, thrilling approximately no-one during their 6 months as a faction. Led by Wade Barrett, the basic premise was that the Englishman was outraged by CM Punk taking control over the Nexus, and looked to fight back with his own new vision. Members included ex-Nexus brethren Heath Slater and Justin Gabriel, along with Ezekiel Jackson, who had best been known for his bodyguard role alongside Brian Kendrick. It was an auspicious lineup, but one which may have just worked had WWE actually given fans a reason to get interested in what the group were doing. An influx of titles, including the Tag-Team and Intercontinental belts, were welcomed into The Corre's fold, but that was a poor substitute for actual storylines and meaningful interactions with other wrestlers. Indeed, so flat was Barrett's charge against Punk and the 'New Nexus' that the whole 'Corre' concept struggled to get over at all.

Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.