10 Most Ridiculous Bret "Hitman" Hart Moments

2. You Can't Spell 'Hart' Without 'Art'

Bret is well known for his cartoon skills, and he would entertain the boys during many grueling tours by drawing hilarious caricatures of the office and the talent, usually in embarrassing or sexually compromising positions. In 1991, Bret was invited onto Prime Time Wrestling to create a work of art in front of the live studio audience. His subject matter? The WWF Tag Team Champions, who at that time happened to be The Nasty Boys. However, when it came time to unveil the finished piece, Bret lifted the cover to reveal a cartoon of the number one contenders, The Legion of Doom. Vince McMahon, dressed like a black and white motherboard, reacted to the painting like a teenager laying eyes on a nude centerfold for the first time, and it wasn't long before the Nasty Boys themselves angrily stormed the studio, defaced Bret's art and demanded the Hitman paint them as the rightful champions (Why there were paint cans and brushes all around when Bret's 'toon had clearly been drawn with felt tip pens is anyone's guess). It all descended into typical Prime Time chaos as Bret shoved paintbrushes into the the mouths of Knobs and Sags, and they stumbled around on the floor in humiliation. Bret got the last word by asking them, "How's that for a paint job?" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GVZsAdwBc1g
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It ain't easy! Former Manager of Ultimate Warrior's "WarriorWeb", Former Senior Editor of Vince Russo's "Pyro and Ballyhoo", and wrestling fan for over twenty five years. Daniel's favourite wrestling memory is being in Wembley Stadium with his Grandad for SummerSlam '92.