10 Most Ridiculous Wrestling Matches Ever

3. Yokozuna Vs. The Undertaker - Casket Match (Royal Rumble 1994)

Those of you who watched this match live know instantly what we're about to say. The Undertaker was challenging world champion Yokozuna to a casket match. While the match itself was the usual punch/kick stuff, the ending to the match was completely bizarre and made viewers wonder if someone slipped drugs in their drinks without them realizing it. Before we start, please know that all of these events actually occurred on a major pay-per-view and the WWF expected us to be entertained by them. So eventually, 10 heels (literally 10 wrestlers) attacked the Undertaker during the match but still could not put him in the casket. So, in a desperation move, they steal the urn from Paul Bearer and dump out the ashes. This somehow sucks the Undertaker's powers from him, turning him into a mortal human being and allowing the heels to lock him in the coffin. Now, here's where things start to get weird. With the crowd completely quieted by the finish of the match, the heels begin to wheel the casket to the back. Suddenly, the video wall shows an image of the Undertaker in the casket, like a camera was installed in the lid. The supposedly "dead" Undertaker then gives a speech which we have helpfully transcribed for you: €œBe not proud, because the spirit of the Undertaker live within the souls of mankind, the eternal flame of life which cannot be extinguished, the origin of which cannot be explained. The answer lies in the everlasting spirit. Soon all mankind will witness the rebirth of the Undertaker. I will not rest in peace.€ Yep, the Undertaker went all philosopher on us. Then, things got even weirder. The video wall started to get all distorted and the image of the Undertaker started rising to the top of the video screen. Then, a second Undertaker (actually Marty Jannetty dressed in a costume) rises from behind the screen to the roof of the arena and presumably flies to Heaven because that's where all good Undertakers go. Seriously, this was the actual finish to a match on a pay-per-view.
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