10 Most Ridiculous WWE Booking Decisions Of 'The New Era'
9. Hell In A Cell 2019

And we thought 2018's Hell In A Cell main event was bad. One year later, WWE proved that not only would they refuse to learn from their mistakes, but they could actually top them. The 2019 main event featured The Fiend - the hottest character in the wrestling world at that point - challenging Seth Rollins in the infancy of a Universal Championship run.
The fact that the match was booked at all was ludicrous - someone had to lose, neither star could afford to - but the finish... It wasn't just The Fiend's way-too-dark red lighting that made the climax of the pay-per-view hard to watch.
Squinting through the combination of red lights and red cage, seeing the second coming of The Undertaker lay underneath a pile of items Rollins could've pulled out from the back of his shed before having the ref call for the bell was an early indicator of the way The Fiend would be treated. Speaking of...