10 Most SCATHING Times Wrestlers Buried WWE
4. Chris Jericho's List Of 1,004 Burials

Chris Jericho has a mainstay of a podcast and, before he launched Dynamite as a TV mainstay, enjoyed a level of protection that allowed him to say whatever he wanted about WWE, knowing they'd accept him back in a heartbeat. They still would. He's Chris Jericho. He can say - and has said - whatever he wants.
But would he ever want to go back?
Jericho claimed NXT was just like WWECW in 2009 when the Wednesday Night Wars were first fought. On the second night of said wars, he said that Jack Swagger's "We the people" schtick was a terrible idea from bad creative. He has told countless press outlets that WWE is "over-scripted". On Talk Is Jericho, he put over Baron Corbin as a "great guy," but his neighbour was a great guy, and that doesn't mean he should headline Stomping Grounds. He unleashed a dreaded laugh-emoji to quote-tweet Seth Rollins when Rollins infamously claimed that his company promoted the "best pro wrestling on the planet. Period."
All of which in fairness would make it very, very funny if Jericho ever did go back.
"I loved hearing 'Judas' every week, so much so that it became excruciating for many, but you have to change it up. You have to evolve in this industry. It's like Madonna. I'm actually the David Bowie of pro wrestl-"