10 Most Shocking Brock Lesnar WWE Moments

4. Literally Beating John Cena

It's unclear exactly who made the decision to allow Brock Lesnar to beat the proverbial 'seven shades' out of John Cena at Extreme Rules in 2012. Brock's first match back had to stand out, and it came across far different to any other main event fans had been conditioned to watching on WWE Pay-Per-Views since the company went PG in 2008. Landing several heavy punches on his opponent, the former UFC Champion busted Cena up early in the match, but took quite the pasting of his own later. It was dramatic, exciting, and seemed to be exactly what the WWE main event scene was missing. Later, at Summerslam 2014, the duo would meet again, in an even more one-sided contest. Once again, John Cena was on the receiving end of a barrage of suplexes and strikes that made the viewer wince. Landing real punches to the head could go badly wrong, so it's a credit to both guys that they came out of this one relatively unscathed.

Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.