10 Most Shocking WWE Survivor Series Moments

7. Paul Heyman Betrays Brock Lesnar To Side With The Big Show (2002)

Watching RAW for the last three years, it€™s hard to imagine a world where Brock Lesnar and Paul Heyman aren€™t together. They€™re perfect for each other, complimenting each other greatly. But back in 2002, after 8 months together tearing through the whole WWE roster, Heyman did the unthinkable at Survivor Series - he screwed Lesnar.

The scene was Madison Square Garden and The Next Big Thing was ready to dispose of The Giant with ease. After a brutal F5, as the referee was about to slap his hand on the mat for a third time, Heyman inexplicably grabbed the leg of the ref and stopped Brock from being victorious.

Fans in New York were livid that Heyman seemed to be joining forces with Paul Wight. Surely enough, Paul E. helped distract Lesnar long enough for Big Show to knock him out, pin him and take the WWE Championship. On the same night that HBK would win the World Title and the Dudleyz would reunite, the biggest talking point was that Heyman had betrayed The Next Big Thing.


Kenny is a successful podcast host with Inside The Ropes, promotes exciting Q&A events in the UK with the likes of Sting and DDP, has interviewed the big guns like Foley, Jericho, Bruno and Austin and enjoys cheese a great deal.