10 Most Shocking WWE Wellness Policy Violations

9. Kurt Angle

Roman Reigns talks drug test

In recent years, WWE Hall of Famer Kurt Angle has talked openly and honestly about his substance abuse issues. His addiction to painkillers was a result of a neck that had been broken numerous times both during and before his pro wrestling career so looking back, it's no great surprise that he was struggling. However, his suspension in 2006 left fans reeling.

A genuine Olympic hero, it was crazy to see Angle sent home for 30 days as one of the first high profile names to fail WWE's newly introduced drug tests. Despite abusing a variety of medications at the time, Angle tested positive for a steroid he didn't have a prescription for and it was all downhill from here for his career in WWE.

With the company reluctant to give Angle the time off he wanted and the former WWE Champion unwilling to seek help, he parted ways with the company and continued with his addictions in TNA (who really didn't seem to mind what he was putting in his body). Thankfully, he eventually managed to clean himself up and returned home to WWE in 2017.


Josh Wilding hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.