10 Most Uncharismatic WWE World Champions Of The Last 20 Years

8. Sheamus

Kane World Heavyweight Champion 2010

It's hard to understand how Sheamus managed to ascend the WWE ranks considering his only standout traits are his pasty skin and red hair. He's solid in the ring, but not 'WWE Champion' solid. Not to mention his promos sound like he's reading notes from the palm of his hand.

Nevertheless, Sheamus was considered a genuine main eventer in WWE's ranks soon after joining the main roster, and even held the WWE World Heavyweight Championship just six months ago - it feels ever weirder in hindsight, doesn't it? It's a stark contrast to being placed in a stable comprised of directionless talent and not even featuring in the upcoming Money In The Bank Ladder Match after winning it last year.

Don't get me wrong, Sheamus isn't the worst in-ring performer in the world, but his is a character that is one straight out of the generic factory: Irish, strong and loves to fight. If you're going to do something that has been done to death, you need to have the requisite charisma to make it stand out.

Even with the Celtic Warrior twist on his gimmick introduced in 2015, Sheamus is yet to prove he has the ability to do so.

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Overly-opinionated Australian WWE smark who is definitely not #booty. Slowly angering the IWC one article at a time. We will probably strongly dislike each other - let's be friends! @MattKMarsden