10 Most Uncharismatic WWE World Champions Of The Last 20 Years

5. Sycho Sid

Kane World Heavyweight Champion 2010

Sycho Sid, Sid Vicious, Sid Justice or simply Sid - call him whatever you want, the man was an awful actor. It shouldn't come as a surprise, since anyone who joins The Four Horseman solely to battle RoboCop cannot be anything great.

Despite his intensity, Sid was as bland as bland could be. Apart from his ability to pull angry faces and yell unnecessarily like a deranged senior citizen, Sid's repertoire was bare. Giving the man a microphone was like giving an Advanced Mathematics textbook to a toddler.

Much like Batista during his run at the top, fans rallied around the deranged Sid as he provided an alternative from the regular cartoon-like sh*t WWE continued to spew out during 1996, particularly during his title-winning feud with Shawn Michaels when Sid was billed as the heel.

To give the man some credit, he did provide an excellent in-ring yin to the yang of WWE's smaller, over Superstars like Michaels and Bret Hart, a feat big guys often struggle to achieve. However, Sid's lack of charisma was expertly covered up by Vince McMahon, who surrounded him with the company's top performers to give the illusion that he was better than he actually was.

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Overly-opinionated Australian WWE smark who is definitely not #booty. Slowly angering the IWC one article at a time. We will probably strongly dislike each other - let's be friends! @MattKMarsden