10 Most Uncharismatic WWE World Champions Of The Last 20 Years

4. Roman Reigns

Kane World Heavyweight Champion 2010

There's no doubt that Roman Reigns receives plenty of unfair hatred from snootier fans, but the constant criticisms of his microphone skills and facial expressions are fully justified. Reigns is to WWE what Kristen Stewart was to Twilight (remember that rubbish?).

It's no secret that Reigns is being pushed to the moon by WWE, and on the surface it's a good decision by a company that has done a marvellous job fooling those under the age of 12 that Reigns is a genuine superstar. He looks the part, dresses the part and gets the favourable victories all children with parents willing to buy their kids' love with WWE merchandise want to see.

Looking deeper, as the smarky fans love to do, it's clear to see that Reigns is majorly under-cooked when it comes to playing the aforementioned part. His selling is wildly inconsistent, his in-ring abilities - while improving - are below par, and his promos are like watching a D-list actor practicing dramatic lines alone in front of a mirror.

In summary, he is godawful.

To his credit, that's a step up from the 'shambolic' status he worked at as recent as a year ago. Kudos, Roman.

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Overly-opinionated Australian WWE smark who is definitely not #booty. Slowly angering the IWC one article at a time. We will probably strongly dislike each other - let's be friends! @MattKMarsden