10 Most Underappreciated Wrestling Moves

8. Paige's Headbutts

It's almost a physical commentary on the recent progression of women's wrestling. Paige slowly crawls onto her opponent, the average fan thinks “great, another sexy move” when what you really want in a wrestling match is some wrestling moves. She comes eye to eye with her opponent, grabs their hair and proceeds to nut them over and over again. You can take the girl out of Norwich...

Paige's use of headbutts in her matches is frequent and varied: lying down, standing up; she seems so well practised, as if bashing someone in the skull with her dome is second nature. The fact Paige has long hair, as usually do her opponents, really helps sell the move.

You know she's pulling her punches here but you really get the sense that if she wanted to, she could go full Millwall on your arse.

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