10 Most Underappreciated Wrestling Moves

7. The Undertaker's Dive

Cm Punk Big Show
WWE Network

… Dive. Dives have become something of a hot topic recently for wrestling fans because somebody said something on twitter, probably. Whatever your opinion on dives, whether you consider them to be an exciting move to bring the fans to their feet or just a standard no logic, indie, little guy stunt, you can't deny how cool it is to see Undertaker do a suicide dive – well, unless you're a cameraman.

It's a rare move for the Deadman, but those few times he pulls it out really elevate the feel of a match. Certain wrestlers have a special finisher, like Orton's punt or Cena's AA on to random vehicles, one that they only bring out rarely like the good china you keep for if the Queen ever comes round. For Undertaker the dive is his special occasion china.

The Undertaker is famous for so many moves it's hard to make a claim that anything he does is underrated. But when a 6 foot 10 undead wizard running full force, leaping 5 feet over the ropes, head first into an opponent isn't considered one of the greatest moves ever by default, that is the definition of underrated.

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