10 Most Underappreciated Wrestling Moves

6. Shinsuke Nakamura's Grounded Knee Strikes

Cm Punk Big Show

This can get hard to watch. Nakamura doesn't do this every match, generally saving it for his longer, more marquee bouts. If you really want to get an idea of how brutal this sequence is, look up some New Japan Pro Wrestling where he did it with more frequency; it's one of those brilliant series of strikes that suspend your disbelief and leave the viewer genuinely concerned.

This is not unusual for Nakamura - brutality is the man's bread and butter - but his grounded knee strikes are a particularly vicious manoeuvre. Manoeuvre is putting it pretty liberally though, what these strikes really are is one man trying to remove another's head by way of knees to the neck. Many of 'The King Of Strong Style's' moves veer between the amazingly worked and the downright cruel. This is Nakamura at his cruellest.

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