10 Most Underrated Superstars Of WWE's Ruthless Aggression Era

8. 3-Minute Warning

Mark Jindrak Teddy Long

Jamal and Rosey weren't exactly the most popular duo in the WWE during their stint as Eric Bischoff's lackeys - known as 3-Minute Warning because they came to drop the bomb on anyone who wasn't entertaining their boss enough after three minutes of obnoxious oversight.

It's easy to see why they didn't get over with audiences initially. Not only were they inextricably linked to Bischoff, a man who was still viewed as the devil incarnate for WWE loyalists who thought they'd finally seen the last of him after WCW collapsed, but they were involved in some truly revolting storylines.

Remember when they nearly killed two helpless, stick-thin lesbians because their make-out session wasn't up to snuff? Or how about when they out-Dudley'd the Dudley Boyz by utterly destroying Moolah and Mae Young?

Yeah, not exactly the kind of thing that gets fans to chant your name. But as villains, they were vile and disruptive in all the right ways. And they were damn agile for such big dudes.

Obviously, Jamal eventually did pretty well for himself, rebranding himself as Umaga after a year away from the company. But it's a shame Rosey never found his way back after that horrible Superhero In Training gimmick alongside The Hurricane.


Jacob is a part-time contributor for WhatCulture, specializing in music, movies, and really, really dumb humor.