10 Most Underrated WWE Ladder Matches Ever

1. MNM Vs Dave Taylor & William Regal Vs Paul London & Brian Kendrick Vs The Hardy Boyz (Armageddon 2006)

This four team ladder match for the WWE Tag Team Championship was supposed to be a simple tag match between Paul London & Brian Kendrick and William Regal & Dave Taylor but Teddy Long, feeling in the Christmas spirit, decided to give fans this instead. What would have probably been a decent tag match with a predictable outcome became a very unpredictable minor classic. The match itself was overshadowed a little bit by the very painful injury Joey Mercury suffered when a corner of the ladder struck him full force in the face. The match created many intriguing scenarios and featured some outrageous bumps and spots. Regal and Taylor would have had it won halfway through if they hadn't realised there and then that they were scared of heights. http://www.dailymotion.com/video/xyanfv_the-hardys-vs-mnm-vs-paul-london-and-brian-kendrick-vs-william-regal-and-dave-taylor_sport Building to a wild finish with a succession of dangerous moves and spots, the eight men involved felt compelled to steal the show. And they did. One of the best 'surprise' matches in WWE history and a great ladder match to boot.

Student of film. Former professional wrestler. Supporter of Newcastle United. Don't cry for me, I'm already dead...