10 Most Underrated WWE Stars Of The Attitude Era

8. Val Venis

According to Vince Russo, the Val Venis character was born when he was asked by Vince McMahon to come up with a gimmick for the incoming Sean Morley. Russo took a look at Morley and decided that he looked like a porn star and the rest, as they say, is history. Val Venis was introduced to the WWF in a string if saucy vignettes full of innuendo and double-entendre, which set the tone for his debut. His promos were similarly racy, with Venis often comparing himself to something from the news or local area in as lewd a way as possible. Upon his arrival, he was quickly thrust into a controversial storyline when he slept with Shian-Li Tsang, the wife of Kai En Tai leader Yamaguchi-San. The stable sought revenge on Val Venis by threatening to €œchoppy choppy pee pee€ and nearly succeeded in separating Big Val from Little Val, but thanks to some last minute shrinkage, his member was unharmed. Val Venis was with the WWF for more than a decade, but his most memorable accomplishments came during that golden time known as The Attitude Era. During his time in the promotion he held the Tag Team, European and Intercontinental Championships, but perhaps most impressively, he managed to make what should have been a two-dimensional character interesting and relevant for as long as he did.
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