10 Most Unnatural Dustin Rhodes Moments

7. A Strange Bedfellow

TAFKA Goldust baby 2

At Judgment Day 2002, a female fan seduced Booker T backstage. Viewers saw the clear trap as she lured Booker back to the Marriott Hotel with the hook of having "somewhere special" for him to sign.

Back at the hotel, Booker joined his fan in bed. When she asked Booker to turn off the lights to "make it more romantic", everybody but Booker knew his hook-up was going to a bizarre place. Fumbling in the dark, Booker asked her to say something sexy. A gruff voice barked back "I want you to leave the nWo". The heavy breathing and teeth sucking revealed the source even before the voice added "and come back to Goldust". Booker switched the lights on to reveal the throuple in bed.

With a hilariously skewed logic, Goldust blamed Booker not returning his calls as an excuse for his perverted action. Booker left the hotel in just a jock strap. Goldust was left to lament about buying lingerie for nothing. This scene was an early peek into the hilarity of the future tag team champions, a testament to both men’s comedic ability and their willingness to endure discomfort for laughs.


An English Lit. MA Grad trying to validate my student debt by writing literary fiction and alternative non-fiction.