10 Most Unnatural Dustin Rhodes Moments

6. Gold-Digger

TAFKA Goldust baby 2

Ted DiBiase Jr. had the Million Dollar Championship on one arm and Maryse on the other. Their perfect life was shattered when the couple were targeted by a mysterious stalker, who sent pointed messages such as "I want you" and "You will be mine". DiBiase was naturally protective of his beautiful on-screen girlfriend.

A mystery wouldn’t be a mystery without red herrings and false accusations. The WWE locker room were spared interrogation after the couple deduced their stalker was Jackass’s Johnny Knoxville, live on Raw to promote his franchise’s 3D offering. DiBiase’s beatdown of Knoxville was interrupted by a new Titan Tron message of "You are mine". Its golden tinge the final clue.

Goldust ambushed DiBiase from behind. The final twist was a swerve that should have been expected. The target of Goldust’s lustful pursuit was neither DiBiase nor Maryse, but the Million Dollar Championship. He promptly dropped to his knees before the belt and pulled it into his chest while heavy breathing. He continued to rub it against his body, exclaiming "I want you". Thus, adding inanimate objects to the growing list of in-ring fetishes portrayed by Dustin Rhodes.


An English Lit. MA Grad trying to validate my student debt by writing literary fiction and alternative non-fiction.