10 Most Unnatural Dustin Rhodes Moments

4. Goldust Warms To The Deadman

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Goldust and The Undertaker’s 1996 feud took a surprisingly sexual turn. The morality and legality of romantically pursuing the living dead is a hypothetical scenario nobody wants to contemplate.

Dustin put on a master class of cringe comedy. Pouting he told ‘Taker, "you see I’m not afraid of the dark, in fact, many say that I do my best work there." If that was too subtle, he added, "the lights aren’t going to be the only thing going down, Reaper."

Goldust stepped up his mind games when his Intercontinental Championship was brought into the feud. He added necrophilia puns and double entendre, describing how "clammy" and "stiff" 'The Deadman' was, and flirtatiously referencing ‘Taker’s cologne as "Embalming Fluid No.5". A casket match only fuelled the smutty creativity of ‘The Bizarre One’. He told ‘Taker he could lay him in it anytime. It was an extreme but effective way of drawing out a part of The Undertaker fans had never seen or even really considered.

The Undertaker soon tired of rigor mortis puns and beat down ‘The Bizarre One’, forcing Mankind to make the save. It was a shame that Goldust became a bit player in Mankind’s feud rather than having his own programme with 'The Deadman'.


An English Lit. MA Grad trying to validate my student debt by writing literary fiction and alternative non-fiction.