10 Most Unnatural Dustin Rhodes Moments

3. The Artist Formerly Known As Goldust

TAFKA Goldust baby 2

Goldust took inspiration from another larger than life character known for flaunting his sexuality, Prince, and shunned his name. The Artist Formerly Known As Goldust turned heel, costing his team their Survivor Series match and dumping Marlena for Luna Vachon.

TAFKA Goldust had one of the most striking new gimmick debuts of all time. Propped on a Zimmer frame, he was led to the ring on a dog chain by Luna. Not only did he have a dog collar and chain, his body was clad in lime green PVC with silver teats over his chest. He also had a ball gag clasped in his mouth. The fetish represented was anybody’s guess.

Luna’s promo turned Goldust heel by deriding his "overbearing and overweight father" and "petite scum-sucking gold digger", both of whom had a special place in fan’s hearts. The psychotic Luna now ruled over her own "little scum-sucking kitten".

TAFKA Goldust carved a niche parodying his fellow wrestlers (e.g. SableDust, HunterDust, and the meta DustyDust) and pop culture icons (such as Marilyn MansonDust). Dustin perfected the balance between surrealism and realism needed for offbeat humour.


An English Lit. MA Grad trying to validate my student debt by writing literary fiction and alternative non-fiction.