10 Most Unnatural Dustin Rhodes Moments

2. The Seventh Circle Of Hell

TAFKA Goldust baby 2

Dustin Rhodes jumped from WWF to WCW and became a more uncomfortable and bizarre character than even Goldust.

Seven debuted lingering outside a child’s window for a couple of ill-advised promos. He made various breathy comments which were easy to take the wrong way, even for the least suspicious or dirty minds. In his first promo, Seven encouraged the child to press his hand against the windowpane while asking him to join him "in complete bliss". Seven also adopted Yoda-like speech patterns warning "WCW, fear me you will, stop me, you cannot".

The network powers put an end to Seven pointing out the obvious child abduction overtones. However, Seven had one last outing. He was given a grand entrance with smoke, flames, and mood lighting, similar to the visuals of The Undertaker’s WrestleMania XX entrance. Seven ominously floated to the ring, his mystique cut short with commentary referring to him as "the guy in the window with the little kid".

To Dustin’s credit, he cut the promo of his career, bemoaning that he’d left the WWF because of such gimmicks and WCW had dressed him up as "Uncle Fester [...] to play Halloween all year long". Dustin dropped the gimmick and concentrated on avenging his father who’d recently been fired by the company.


An English Lit. MA Grad trying to validate my student debt by writing literary fiction and alternative non-fiction.