10 Most Unwatchable Wrestling Matches Ever

6. Chris Harris Vs. James Storm (TNA Lockdown 2007)


The blindfold match may be legitimately the stupidest gimmick in all of professional wrestling. It€™'s entirely possible that there€™s no such thing as a good blindfold match, given that even if you have them wearing gimmicked blindfolds, it€™'s still practically impossible to see well enough to make it worth the gimmicking and they still have to pretend they can€™t see, regardless.

In 2007, TNA broke up probably their hottest tag team, America€™'s Most Wanted, in a red hot grudge match. This was a big angle: either man - maybe even both men - could have gone on to the main event based on the success of this feud. Whatever the outcome in terms of building the next generation of stars, the TNA faithful were assured that the storyline was going to go like gangbusters. So naturally the very first match in this important series was a bloody blindfold match.

It€™'s literally minutes - the longest minutes of the audience'€™s life - before anyone makes any form of contact, and then it'€™s with the referee. The hoods keep falling off and having to be replaced. The crowd tries a €˜fire Russo€™ chant early on, before settling into the traditional €˜we want wrestling€™ and €˜boring€™ chants that pretty much define matches like this.

Bizarrely, there'€™s a spot with Storm trying to climb the cage (while blindfolded) and another with the referee being placed into a sharpshooter. The crowd try another €˜fire Russo€™ chant, and seem angry enough to make it work this time around.

If you€™v'e heard of TNA, but never watched any of their stuff, you€™'ll have heard the stories about the rampant stupidity that passes for storytelling, macro and micro, in this company. This match is only one of about a hundred reasons why people tell those stories, but it'€™s a bloody good reason.


Professional writer, punk werewolf and nesting place for starfish. Obsessed with squid, spirals and story. I publish short weird fiction online at desincarne.com, and tweet nonsense under the name Jack The Bodiless. You can follow me all you like, just don't touch my stuff.