10 Must-See Lucha Underground Season 3 Matches

4. Jeremiah Crane Vs. Killshot (Cueto Cup)

Jeremiah Crane Cannonball Killshot Lucha Underground

There were a lot of incredible wrestling tournaments this year, including the G1 Climax and the WCPW Pro Wrestling World Cup. But the Cueto Cup tournament belongs in the same upper echelon. After a predictable first round, virtually every match either delivered or over-delivered.

And Jeremiah Crane was a huge part of that. Well into his Lucha Death Machine persona here, Crane paired off against the quick-as-a-hiccup Killshot, and having these two hard-hitting speed demons face off was a stroke of genius. They immediately became the measuring stick, raising the bar of Cueto Cup match-ups.

Watching Crane take a full lap around the ring as he built up speed for a cannonball into Killshot that wiped out rows of seats... that was worth the price of admission alone.


Author, puzzle guy, and lifelong consumer of pop culture. I'm a nerd for wrestling, Star Wars, literature, trivia, and all sorts of other things. Feel free to mock and/or praise me and my scribblings at @glennmandirect on Twitter.