10 Must-See Lucha Underground Season 3 Matches

3. The Hell Of War (Ultima Lucha Tres)

Jeremiah Crane Cannonball Killshot Lucha Underground

Honestly, most of Ultima Lucha Tres was underwhelming. Much like it's predecessor, it was front-loaded with hardcore silliness that detracted from the main show.

That being said, there was one match that somehow straddled the line between unsettling violence and enrapturing spectacle: Killshot versus Dante Fox in The Hell of War.

The capper to both Killshot's breakout year and the feud between him and Fox, he and his storyline rival upped the stakes immensely here. Their previous confrontations were good, but none of them prepared viewers for the insane heights they'd scale during the feud's blowoff match.

Even for LU, this hardcore match went above and beyond, transcending the sometimes uncomfortable violence with terrific physical storytelling and top-notch pacing.

And no fan will ever forget seeing a small chunk of Dante Fox's flesh left behind on the gurney after Killshot bounced Fox off the padded transport.


Author, puzzle guy, and lifelong consumer of pop culture. I'm a nerd for wrestling, Star Wars, literature, trivia, and all sorts of other things. Feel free to mock and/or praise me and my scribblings at @glennmandirect on Twitter.