10 Must See Vader Matches

2. Vs. Ric Flair (WCW Starrcade 1993)

Big Van Vader Ric Flair

Following his almost two year stint in the WWF between 1991-1993, Ric Flair returned to home turf and promised to retire from the ring if he couldn't beat Vader at WCW's Starrcade '93. The whole story was expertly told, right down to "Mean" Gene Okerlund visiting the Flair household beforehand and riding to the arena with Ric.

After that drama (including a Charlotte cameo), the match had to live up to the hype. It did, and it was yet another example of Vader's selflessness between the ropes. He understood when to show weakness, and his job to Flair at Starrcade capped off Ric's return sweetly.

This, by the way, was the kind of babyface emotion the WWF could only dream of with their own ongoing Lex Luger vs. Yokozuna story. By contrast to that, Flair vs. Vader was the most powerful tale in the industry.

Proving that, both men worked an epic main event that painted Flair as someone potentially way out his depth against the monstrous WCW Champion. In terms of initial narrative, execution and pacing, this was one of WCW's best ever.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.