10 Name-Drops You Never Thought WWE Would Allow (But They Somehow Did)

3. Shawn Michaels Brings Up The Montreal Screwjob In Montreal

Shawn Michaels had it within him to be the biggest b*stard in WWE history when given the right platform.

However, even WWE must have been a bit concerned about the prospect of allowing 'The Heartbreak Kid' to fully let loose on a crowd which quite clearly harboured some seriously ill feelings towards the WWE legend.

In case you missed it, Michaels was a part of one of the most controversial moments in all of wrestling when he and Vince McMahon orchestrated the stealing of Bret Hart's WWE title just before he jumped ship to WCW in 1997.

Oh, and all this happened in Hart's own backyard of Montreal.

Fast forward eight years and Michaels suddenly found himself back in 'The Hitman's country of Canada, in front of an audibly unforgiving Montreal capacity crowd.

Michaels - turned all the way up to d*ckhead heel - played off the audience's resentment towards him and boldly referenced everything that happened at Survivor Series 1997. He even proclaimed that he handed 'Canada's own Bret 'The Hitman' Hart his most miserable defeat.'

WWE had to be cautious regarding just how far Michaels would be able to go before he actually risked being in some serious peril in the rabid city of Montreal. Yet, they didn't show it and instead doubled down on the goading when they played Hart's entrance music, only to reveal that it was a trick all along and 'The Hitman' would not be showing up to teach 'HBK' a lesson.

It was a shocking moment to see Michaels really embrace such a touchy subject and the insane fan response still needs to be seen to be believed all these years later.


Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...