10 New Directions After WWE Crown Jewel 2022

1. Bray Wyatt Actually Launching A Feud?

Bray Wyatt The Fiend

Nothing really happened during Bray Wyatt's Crown Jewel promo. He rambled on about emotion for a while, then 'Uncle Howdy' popped up on the tron (again) to encourage Bray to keep wearing a mask. It wasn't bad, but it was the same thing fans have watched on SmackDown since his comeback.

It's time to launch Wyatt into a proper feud vs. someone other than himself.

Granted, there's something curious about the idea of Bray battling inner demons and trying to break free from an evil that has gripped him. Under Vince McMahon, this might even lead to some other worker donning 'The Fiend' costume and wrestling Wyatt on pay-per-view - that could still happen, people.

Doppelgänger warfare is a familiar WWE trope. They've done it with The Undertaker and Kane over the years, so Wyatt could complete the set. Obviously, they'd have to be really careful with that, but it could be a neat sideshow distraction and Bray is creative enough to pull it off.

If not, then program him with someone else.

Where else can you see WWE going post-Crown Jewel 2022? For more like this, check out 6 Ups & 3 Downs From WWE SmackDown (Nov 4) and 5 Ups & 1 Down From AEW Rampage (Nov 4)!


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.