10 New Directions For AEW After Double Or Nothing 2024

3. Tony Khan Getting Even More Involved

AEW Double Or Nothing 2024 MJF Sting

Everybody knows how this ends.

Tony Khan once vowed to never get physically involved or book himself as a recurring priority on AEW TV. That's out the window now after he bumped around for The Elite, and Khan was brought into view again when Jack Perry collared Tony at DoN and marched out onto the ramp holding him by the scruff.

Seconds later, Khan was rolling down the ramp comedically (AEW's cameras mercifully didn't capture that, but fan footage on X has) and Perry was engulfed in flames when Darby Allin brought his flamethrower out to play again. There has to be a reason why Tony keeps popping up in these segments and matches.

They...they're gonna bloody well do it, aren't they? Tony Khan is actually going to book himself in a match as part of 'Team AEW' and try to defend the honour of his company against The Young Bucks and mates. This could turn out to be a real 'Death Of AEW' moment if so, folks.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.