10 New Directions For AEW After WrestleDream 2023

2. Adam Copeland’s First AEW Match

Adam Copeland Edge AEW

The former Edge revealed that he'll wrestle Luchasaurus on the 10 October edition of Dynamite during Sunday's post-PPV press conference. Cutting an excited figure, Adam Copeland said he "felt free" and couldn't wait to get started. He still loves WWE, and is grateful for everything that company did for him, but he's looking towards the future.

That first clash is gonna be interesting.

It's a big spot for Lucha to be in too. Christian Cage's big dino pal will know that, and he'll want to show what he's capable of in front of more eyeballs than usual. Let's face it, that quarter hour will pull a cracking rating from those intrigued to see Copeland in fresh surroundings, so Luchasaurus will fancy seizing the moment.

Adam isn't here to muck around. He's confirmed for Wednesday's Dynamite too, and says he'll be on Collision this coming Saturday as well. Let the full time schedule commence. No more sitting around waiting on that call.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.