10 New Directions For WWE After Royal Rumble 2022

8. Bad Bunny Challenges For Gold?

Ronda Rousey Becky Lynch

Bad Bunny was one of the Rumble's biggest surprise packages. That's the second time in a year that the rapper has stunned everyone with his poise between the ropes. OK, so he's hardly Bryan Danielson, but most celebs who stick a toe into wrestling suck. Bunny is clearly passionate about this stuff.

WWE love the mainstream attention he brings too, and that's why (assuming he's free and not busy making music) he's a stick on to work a program heading into 'Mania. This writer's pick for his opponent? Old pal Damian Priest. The United States Champ has been experimenting with a heel vibe lately anyway.

Bunny vs. Priest at WrestleMania 38? Stranger things have happened.

The musician got to eliminate Sheamus and Dolph Ziggler from the Rumble last weekend, and it's not like WWE would turn their noses up at more media magic from someone who has the following Bunny does. This is one they might kickstart closer to the time though.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.