10 New Directions For WWE After Survivor Series: WarGames 2023

9. R-Truth’s Last Hurrah

Triple H CM Punk WWE Survivor Series 2023

Did anyone tuning in on Saturday night expect to see some R-Truth madness?

The veteran made his first appearance in a good while during a backstage skit with loads of other workers who didn't have a match on the card. It was a throwaway segment, but does raise the question: Is Triple H readying Truth for one last run with the company before he gets the Hall Of Fame treatment?

Truth is 51 now. That's not meant to be shocking. The dude still looks better than most do when they're 30, but a serious finale to his often-goofy career is out of the question. No, more comedy will follow, and your tolerance for that will vary. Let's just hope Trips doesn't bring back the 24/7 Title, or something.

Seeing R-Truth interact with other comedic acts like Alpha Academy or Pretty Deadly wouldn't be the worst thing in the world, to be fair. The vet deserves some kind of closure and to get his flowers in front of an appreciative live crowd, that's for sure.

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