10 New Tag Teams WWE Needs To Create
9. The Big Show And Braun Strowman

When it comes to pro wrestling, Braun Strowman really only has one thing going for him - he's enormous.
The massive star was brought up to the main roster with almost no experience and, about a year later, he hasn't really improved at all. Since the brand split, he's been put in quick squash matches with no-name wrestlers, but it's not going to matter once he starts facing stars on a regular basis - he can't be counted upon for an actual match.
That's where The Big Show comes in. On TV, Show and Strowman can dominate opponents together, while at house shows (and on the road), Show can teach the rookie about how to do better work as a big man. Given that Show is rumoured to be retiring quite soon, he would do well to pass some knowledge along as soon as possible.
Also, a heel turn for Show is pretty much guaranteed before WrestleMania, where he'll be taking on Shaquille O'Neal. Might as well turn him now and put the team together.