10 New Year’s Resolutions WWE Must Make For 2021

4. Stop Treating NXT Like A Feeder

Goldberg Universal Title

Resolution: WWE vows to ensure NXT is treated like a proper third brand rather than a quasi-development league for Raw and SmackDown.

Why: NXT has been on USA Network for over a year now, but it's still very much behind both Raw and SmackDown as a priority. Need proof? Look at the way Keith Lee was handled when he was "called up" after SummerSlam 2020. The former NXT Champ had to start all over again, and he's had several teething problems on Monday nights.

It'd be nice to see WWE move away from positioning NXT as a 'feeder' for the other two shows. Changing someone's gimmick when they leave makes the brand look less-than, and there's simply no need for that anymore; NXT should be an equal to Raw and SmackDown, not a development league.

Sadly, it still comes across as that.

Lee's stop/start plight and the (mis)fortunes of others like Aleister Black and Ricochet should be a lesson to WWE. Some workers are better off rocking the black and yellow, not the red or blue.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.