10 New Year’s Resolutions WWE Must Make For 2021

3. Keep Braun Strowman Away From Comedy

Goldberg Universal Title

Resolution: WWE's resident 'Monster Among Men' will steer clear of comedy and won't be booked in any situations that compromise his nickname.

Why: Braun Strowman does "comedy" (if it could be called that) every few years.

Think back to his 'Brains' Strowman one-off in 2018, or that time he dumped poor Kevin Owens in a portable toilet the same year. In 2020, right after crowning him Universal Champion at 'Mania, WWE had Braun work some humour with The Miz and John Morrison on SmackDown. News flash: It sucked just as bad.

Seeing Strowman avoid MTV Punk'd-style pranks from the jokey tag-team was painful. It was even more depressing that he then pivoted out of that mini-feud into a potentially-serious issue with old leader Bray Wyatt. That rivalry was knackered because Braun had spent the previous few months p*ssing around.

2021 needs to be a consistent year for Strowman. He's effective when booked as a wrecking ball monster, but loses so much steam when he's forced into ridiculous comedy skits that wouldn't look out of place on Swerved.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.