10 New Year’s Resolutions WWE Must Make For 2021

2. No More Goldberg Title Reigns

Goldberg Universal Title

Resolution: Bill Goldberg won't be pushed to the moon ahead of full-timers or given a senseless World Title run in 2021.

Why: This writer was a bit of a Goldberg mark growing up. In 2013, despite rarely purchasing any DVDs (wrestling or otherwise) by that point, he bought WWE's 'Ultimate Collection' release. He also cheered like a madman when the company brought Bill back to slay Brock Lesnar in 2016.

2019-2020 was different.

Goldberg should not have beaten Bray Wyatt's 'Fiend' for the Universal Title at Super ShowDown in February - that was a huge mistake, one that set Bray back and felt totally unnecessary. In 2021, WWE should outright avoid any temptation to repeat the trick and give ol' Billy another go-around with one of the top titles.

If anything, Goldberg's only purpose should be to play victim for a quick Roman Reigns squash. Get through that elusive match then turn Bill into a company ambassador. He doesn't need to pretend it's still 1998 all these years on.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.