10 Noisiest Wrestling Managers Ever

10. Slick


First off, let's all acknowledge that nothing in this world ever has, or ever will make as much sense as Slick becoming a minister. Can anyone think of a better example of life imitating kayfabe? In his own vague and mostly inoffensive way, Slick was essentially a cross between a pimp and a preacher during his years opposite the Heenans and Harts of the world. He was notorious for a boisterous speaking style that would fit in perfectly in an ecclesiastic setting; he just happened to do it from the position of a cheat and a hustler. During matches, Slick wasn't much of a yeller or a flailer. What he did do, at random, was play for the camera. Displaying an almost sixth sense for when he was onscreen, Rev. Slick constantly hollered lines at the viewers as though every day was Good Friday. He didn't have a microphone, and couldn't care less. Unlike the rest on this list, Slick wasn't much for using his mouth to create a disturbance (which is why he sits at tenth); he was simply too much of a showman to blend into the scenery like most other managers.


CKUT radio host, underground lyricist, Michael Myers scholar and all-around world-class opiner. Signature move: Irony Bomb. Blood type: chai. Never seen in the same place and time as Logic Johnson, former featured columnist for Bleacher Report. Hopelessly unfamiliar with Yellow Submarine.