10 Most Notorious CM Punk Urban Legends

9. He Is Hated By Jeff Hardy

Story: Punk has earned a reputation in wrestling of angering some people. Sometimes it's legit. Other times it is probably fabricated a bit. In the case Jeff Hardy, he had a great feud with Punk in the summer of 2009. Punk cashed in the Money in the Bank briefcase, did a slow heel turn after it and they exchanged the title a few times with Punk ultimately winning the feud since Hardy left WWE post SummerSlam 2009. What was interesting about the feud is that they weren't shy about taking shots at one another. Punk's gimmick was that of the guy that said he was better than everybody because he didn't do drugs. Meanwhile, he would rip on Hardy's lifestyle as a partying type. The fans didn't like Punk for the shots he took at Hardy and apparently Hardy had an issue too. http://youtu.be/e6GcrIBhBWA In a video shot in 2010, a year after Hardy left WWE, he appeared on camera talking about how he "made CM Punk a motherf**king superstar." Then he gave Punk the middle finger, saying that he can't do that in Punk's company anymore (a reference to WWE being PG), but in the real world they could. He also said "f**k you" to Punk one more time. Why People Believe It: They live different lifestyles and the fact that Hardy would shoot a video like this, even though he was clearly on drugs or drinking during it, shows that he still had strong negative feelings towards Punk. Should We Believe It: Absolutely they don't like each other. This wasn't done to make money for WWE. Hardy was gone from WWE. The fact that he would go this far with it shows that there probably was legit heat there. Maybe in 2014 the heat isn't as strong because they have had no interaction, but it was definitely there and it still might be. That's wrestling. Not everybody is going to be friends.
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John wrote at WhatCulture from December 2013 to December 2015. It was fun, but it's over for now. Follow him on Twitter @johnreport. You can also send an email to mrjohncanton@gmail.com with any questions or comments as well.