10 Most Notorious CM Punk Urban Legends

8. He Was Very Angry That WWE Ended The Straight Edge Society

Story: The Straight Edge Society was a group that Punk led in 2010. He was the kind of over the top leader that was worshipped by his followers, which included Luke Gallows, Serena and Joey Mercury. He helped motivate Gallows from being an idiot Festus and he shaved the head of Serena, who happened to be a developmental wrestler. Mercury was later added to the group. All three of them followed Punk because he gave them hope as an inspirational leader. The group lasted until early September 2010, so it went on for about 10 months. It was hardly enough time to establish them even though they were amazing at getting heat from the crowd. People absolutely hated them, yet as wrestling heels they were doing their job perfectly. Mercury tore his pectoral muscle during their SummerSlam match with Big Show. Serena was released in late August in part because she was apparently drunk in public, which hurt the credibility of the gimmick. It was a stupid reason to fire somebody especially when she had so much talent as a wrestler. Gallows was gone soon after too. On the DVD about his career, Punk talked about how much he enjoyed being a part of the group. Why People Believe It: At the time when Punk formed the group he was coming off losing a World Title feud to Undertaker and he needed something. The SES worked perfectly. It's understandable that he would be mad that it ended. Should We Believe It: Yes. They could have mixed in other people into the group while keeping Punk as the leader with Gallows and Serena by his side. Punk had a right to be upset. They really had something good with that group. It was great television. Few wrestling heels get genuine heat anymore. The Straight Edge Society did.
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John wrote at WhatCulture from December 2013 to December 2015. It was fun, but it's over for now. Follow him on Twitter @johnreport. You can also send an email to mrjohncanton@gmail.com with any questions or comments as well.