10 Most Notorious Ric Flair Urban Legends

7. He Liked Walking Around With Nothing On Except His Robe

Story: Flair was famous for wearing luxurious robes on his way to the ring, backstage and wherever a camera was on him around an arena. Part of being the "Nature Boy" meant that he had to wear these expensive handmade robes as part of his appearance. A common story told about Flair during his career was his interest in walking around with just his robe on. He would do it in locker rooms, on planes or even hotel lobbies where the boys were around. He was never shy about it either. The plane story that's been told is that Flair was drunk on the "Plane Ride From Hell" that WWE had in 2002 and he walked around the plane in just his robe. One of the stewardesses wasn't happy about it and threatened legal action against him as well. It didn't get that far, though. Why People Believe It: There have been enough people that have seen it and talked about it that most of us believe it to be true. Should We Believe It: Yes we should, just because dozens of people in wrestling have discussed it. The plane ride story is definitely true. A lot of people tell these stories with a smile because it's funny that this guy would walk around in the nude in front of others, but that's just how Flair is. If reading this gives you a whole new perspective on the "Woo" phrase that's okay. We think he's pretty weird too.

John wrote at WhatCulture from December 2013 to December 2015. It was fun, but it's over for now. Follow him on Twitter @johnreport. You can also send an email to mrjohncanton@gmail.com with any questions or comments as well.