10 Most Obnoxious People In Wrestling

5. Davey Richards

The Wolves Davey Richards Eddie Edwards Referred to by some as the Triple H of the indie scene, Davey Richards may be the most polarising wrestler not on the WWE roster. Despite his clear talent in the ring, the member of TNA tag team The Wolves has a reputation for being arrogant and personally obnoxious that rivals workers twice his age. Richards has a nasty habit of burying older, more experienced talent in shoot interviews and in public, which doesn€™t help matters. Professional wrestling, even in 2014, is an old-fashioned respect oriented business, and having an attitude like that is guaranteed to cause problems for you in your career. Indeed, last year Ring Of Honor would terminate their association with Richard, citing his €œunprofessionalism and unreliability with the company.€ But the most famous incident that had people questioning Richards€™ personal integrity was in July 2012, when he and his colleagues in Team Ambition, an indie stable of shooters, decided to show up seriously for a booking in the mid west intent on having words with the promoter. They had been having text message conversations about changing the matches they were booked in all day (while failing to actually show up at the event itself until an hour before it finished), and upon actually arriving, Richards would proceed to threaten and intimidate the promoter, eventually securing an agreement for them to wrestle at the climax of the card, provided they received their money up front. When handed the money, Team Ambition ran from the venue and drove off, stiffing the promotion and the fans and stealing $350. Unrepentant to the point of unreason since then, Richards was recently turned down for a place with WWE€™s developmental program. No word on whether his personality had something to do with that, but what are the odds?
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Professional writer, punk werewolf and nesting place for starfish. Obsessed with squid, spirals and story. I publish short weird fiction online at desincarne.com, and tweet nonsense under the name Jack The Bodiless. You can follow me all you like, just don't touch my stuff.