10 Most Obnoxious People In Wrestling

4. Teddy Hart

Bret €˜The Hitman€™ Hart€™s nephew has one of the worst reputations in professional wrestling history, despite his youth and obvious talent in the ring. In many ways, he€™s the Ghost Of Christmas Future for Davey Richards€ a cautionary tale as to exactly how far a bad attitude and a refusal to even appear repentant will take you. Signed to WWF at only eighteen years old €“ the youngest person ever to receive a contract with the biggest promotion in the world, at that point €“ Hart didn€™t even make it to the main roster before being released due to his horrendous arrogance and attitude problem. Since then, Hart€™s been fired by Ring Of Honor with extreme prejudice €“ being thrown bodily out of the arena and his bags thrown after him, from some reports €“ for going into business for himself after a cage match in late 2003, where he performed several unplanned spots (including moonsaults and a shooting star press) and put other talent in extreme danger in attempting to catch him without any warning. This, in turn, caused then ROH head trainer CM Punk to blast him in an open letter online, citing his €œout of control ego and p*ss poor attitude€, and finishing by saying, €œwe're just policing our locker room from a cancer that has no business in a business that he acts like he knows all about, but knows so little.€ The fact that Hart has never made it to anything resembling the big leagues, despite his obvious talent and family name, is an indication of his significant personal issues. Some consider him the most obnoxious young wrestler in the world, even today.
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Hulk Hogan
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Professional writer, punk werewolf and nesting place for starfish. Obsessed with squid, spirals and story. I publish short weird fiction online at desincarne.com, and tweet nonsense under the name Jack The Bodiless. You can follow me all you like, just don't touch my stuff.