10 Observations From Jim Ross & Jim Cornette's Attitude Era Q&A

5. Vince McMahon Felt Mick Foley Would Break JR's Heart

Jim Ross Jim Cornette

Aside from being the chief announcer on WWF television, Jim Ross was an important figure behind the scenes during the Attitude Era. Some of the man's duties included hiring and firing talent, keeping the roster fresh and trying to find suitable opponents for some of the promotion's top stars.

That was JR's thinking when hiring Mick Foley to play the role of Mankind, he wanted a strong heel to oppose The Undertaker on house shows. Meanwhile, Vince McMahon apparently wasn't so keen on the idea. During the Q&A, Ross revealed a conversation he had with McMahon about Foley before he was even contracted.

Feeling Mick would be a colossal disappointment to Jim Ross, McMahon nonetheless allowed his employee to hire the wrestler. Strikingly, the boss said he wanted to show JR what it was like to have his heart broken should Foley fail to live up to expectations.

Going further, Ross also said that Vince McMahon was on hand for Mankind's legendary sit-down promos conducted by the commentator. Afterwards, McMahon personally applauded, something which validated Foley as a potential headliner.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.