10 Odd One Out Wrestling Champions

8. Vince McMahon

Darby Allin

Vince McMahon could be a dual entry on this list, having held his own company's top prize, yet his reign with the (WWE) ECW Championship is the most jarring.

Though fans can attempt to draw a separation between the original ECW Championship and the disastrous WWE resurrection of the strap, the record books put Vince's name alongside iconic ECW alumni Terry Funk, Sabu, and Tommy Dreamer. The strap around McMahon's waist was the same one Funk and Sabu decimated their bodies for in a legendarily brutal barbed wire match at Born to be Wired 1997.

Admittedly, McMahon's reign was an awesome heel move. However, it still stung seeing ECW's main prize reduced to a prop to draw heat for a non-wrestler. While Vince's reign was the low point of New ECW, a look at those who held the prize provide further damnation.

The first New ECW Champion, Rob Van Dam, was an inspired choice, which allowed RVD to hold the championship that alluded him in his original run. From here it was all downhill, the majority of champions went against the original ECW ethos, favouring big guys such as Bobby Lashley and Big Show. Still, Vince remains the worst champion in the belt's history.

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Darby Allin
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An English Lit. MA Grad trying to validate my student debt by writing literary fiction and alternative non-fiction.