10 Old WWE Stars You Won't Believe Are Still Wrestling

6. Jim Duggan (63)

Jim Duggan 2017

Old 'Hacksaw' was never graced with the greatest technical wrestling skills, even during his prime. When you watched Jim Duggan wrestle, it was more about enjoying his over-the-top patriotism and the bizarre visual of seeing a huge man carrying a 2x4 plank of wood to the ring. In that respect, nothing has changed.

Working for Legacy Pro Wrestling, the Superstars Of Wrestling Federation, and other assorted independent groups this year, Duggan is still shouting 'Hoooooo' and 'USA' well into his sixties. It's coming up to the 30th anniversary of Jim winning WWE's first ever Royal Rumble in 1988, so it'd be nice to see him take a guest spot in 2018.

This year, Hacksaw has beaten fellow ex-WWE alumni Salvatore Sincere. Yes, we live in a world where Jim Duggan vs. Tom Brandi is a match promoters are willing to showcase in 2017. If that doesn't make you buy tickets, nothing will.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.