10 On-Air WWE Moments You Weren't Supposed To See

3. Jeff Hardy Misses Randy Orton

Cody Rhodes Talent Name WWE Triple H

Again, sorry about how brutally bad the above pic is. It's impossible to get a clearer one though - this wasn't on screen for very long.

Fans of a certain vintage (which should make everyone feel sick when discussing 2008) will remember Jeff Hardy's jaw-dropping Swanton Bomb off the Raw staging onto Randy Orton below. That occurred on the 14 Jan '08 episode of WWE's Monday night staple, and it ruled. Jeff crushed Randy.

Or not.

This was a familiar, killer stunt, but WWE accidentally exposed it on The Hardy Boy-obsessed 'Twist Of Fate' DVD later. That set included an alternative angle of the bump that showed Hardy landing beside Orton, not on top of him. Sure, most fans realised this was the case live too, but it kinda sucked to see WWE use this new angle and murder the illusion.

Someone defo got their knuckles dinged for putting that on the DVD. The release was a behind the scenes look at things, but showing how WWE magic tricks worked was perhaps a step too far.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.