10 On-Air WWE Moments You Weren't Supposed To See

2. PPV Rivals Get Friendly

Cody Rhodes Talent Name WWE Triple H

Meanwhile, this was just funny.

At Rock Bottom 1998, a grinning Vince McMahon walked out of a quaint "office" after apparently chin-wagging with Mankind. The problem? When McMahon rounded a corner, and before the cameras cut away, both Mick Foley and The Rock could be spotted in the background having a friendly chat about their upcoming match.

Yikes! Mankind vs. The Rock was one of the WWF's featured bouts on that very pay-per-view. They were in a World Title match, so it looked weird to see them engaging in a convo on-air. Even stranger, hadn't Vince been jawing with Foley mere moments before? Add "teleportation" to Mankind's list of skills immediately.

A lot of people like to rag on WCW for this kind of rubbish, but the WWF was guilty of some error-strewn production too. X would get all sorts of fired up if Drew McIntyre and CM Punk were spotted having a little chat before brawling in 2024, put it that way.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.