10 On-Screen WCW Couples You’ve Totally Forgotten

6. Debra & Alex Wright

david flair torrie wilson

Did you know: Debra McMichael once managed Bill Goldberg in WCW? It's true. She accompanied him to ringside with new man Alex Wright for the shortest of short spells after splitting from husband Steve ('Mongo'). See, now you can impress all your friends by pointing this out.

Or not.

Debra and Wright were an even odder combo than Debs and Goldberg would've been. The beauty pageant-obsessed 'Queen Of WCW' awkwardly pointed at and linked arms with some dude who just wanted to break free so he could bust out some funky dance moves during his entrance.

Three months into their relationship, Alex decided that dance was better than Debra and told her to hit the bricks when she accidentally cost him a match with Prince Iaukea. Nobody shed any ears that their time together had come to an end.

For the record, Goldberg's alliance with Debra didn't end on-screen. WCW just sorta' forgot about it.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.